Become a better language learner with SALC modules and courses.
About Modules and Courses
SALC Modules
Module Resources
SALC Courses (ELLC)
SALC Modules (Effective Learning Modules)
SALC Modules are 13-week, one-credit courses of self-directed work that you can do (with support from a Learning Advisor) at any time and place that suits you. All the SALC Modules are designed to support your individual language learning needs. Your advisor will encourage you to think about learning actively and help you develop various skills needed to be an autonomous language learner.
The SALC offers modules for all students, from Freshman to Senior, in any department. There are two modules, Effective Learning Module 1 (ELM 1) and Effective Learning Module 2 (ELM 2). They are offered in both 1st and 2nd semesters.
モジュールは全学生に提供されており、エフェクティブラーニングモジュール1(ELM 1)とエフェクティブラーニングモジュール2(ELM2)の2種類があります。詳細は学生便覧を参照してください。各学期開講。
- My Learning Advisor gave me comments in detail every week. It was very helpful for me.
ラーニングアドバイザーが毎週コメントをくれたことが、とても役に立ちました。 - I found that I got useful method to study English at home.
家で英語を勉強するいい方法を見つけることができました。 - I could get a lot of advice on how to study, and I was able to study effectively.
自分の勉強方法についてたくさんアドバイスをもらい、自分の目標に向かって効率よく勉強を進めることができました。 - I think I can use skills that I learned in ELM for not only English learning but others.
If you would like to hear what KUIS students said, watch this promotion video.
What do you do in a module?
Effective Learning Module 1: (ELM 1)Online
- Registration
履修登録 -
Registration open from September 16th(Mon) (closes at 23:59 on September 22nd (Sun).
9/16 9:00 より履修登録受付 (9/22 23:59まで) - Open to
対象 - Any KUIS student who has not taken a SALC module or course.
Both ELM and ELLC cannot be taken in the same semester.
モジュールとコースの同時受講はできません。 - Length
期間 - 1 semester / Can be taken only one time
前期または後期期間中に1回のみ受講可能 - Credit
単位 - 1
- Class?
受講形態 - No (self-study)
個別学習型 - Details
内容 - The Effective Learning Module helps you to become a good autonomous language learner. The Module covers topics such as ‘Resources’, ‘Learning Strategies’ and ‘Making a Learning Plan’. You create your own learning plan and implement the plan with the help of your learning advisor.
Please note that the status of registration cannot be checked on Campus Web.
モジュールの履修状況はCampus Webからは確認できませんのでご注意ください。
Please contact the SALC ( if you have a question.
Effective Learning Module 2: (ELM 2)Online
- Registration
履修登録 -
Registration open from September 16th(Mon) 9:00 (closes at 23:59 September 22nd (Sun)).
9/16 9:00 より履修登録受付 (9/22 23:59まで) - Open to
対象 - Any KUIS student who has completed a SALC Learning Course or module before.
Both ELM and ELLC cannot be taken in the same semester.
SALC モジュール(ELM)やコース(ELLC)を修了したことがある学生が対象です。
モジュールとコースの同時受講はできません。 - Length
期間 - 1 semester / Can be taken as many times as you wish
前期または後期 / 複数回受講可能 - Credit
単位 - 1
- Class?
受講形態 - No (self-study)
個別学習型 - Details
内容 - Use your learning plan from ELM1 (or create a new one). Continue your journey towards good language learning. You choose your focus and work through your learning plan with the support of a learning advisor.
Please note that the status of registration cannot be checked on Campus Web.
モジュールの履修状況はCampus Webからは確認できませんのでご注意ください。
Please contact the SALC ( if you have a question.
Module Resources
See Online Resources for ideas for resources.
If you would like to take a copy of the ELM 1 materials, just pick them up in the SALC or download them from the Module Companion Website
SALC Courses (ELLC)

Effective Language Learning Course 1 & 2 (ELLC 1 & 2)
- Registration
履修登録 - Check the online syllabus on KUIS Campus Web. Places are limited, so be sure to come to the first class and to register each semester. It might be necessary to cap the number of students in the first class.
定員制。KUIS Campus Webでシラバスを確認し、履修希望者は各学期の初回の授業に出席し、履修登録をしてください。必要に応じて初回の授業で人数制限を行うことがあります。
- Open to
対象 - The courses are open to any KUIS student. ELLC 2 is only for those who have completed a SALC Learning Course or module before. ELM and ELLC cannot be taken in the same semester.
SALC モジュールを履修する場合、同じ学期にELLCを履修することはできません。 - Length
期間 - The courses last for one semester. ELLC 1, ELLC 2 and ELM 1 can only be taken once. ELM 2 can be taken as many times as you wish.
コースは一学期間続きます。ELLC1, ELLC2, ELM1は一回のみ、ELM2は複数回受講できます。 - Credit
単位 - 1
- Class?
受講形態 - Once per week
週1回の授業 - Details
内容 - In these classes, you work closely with classmates and a Learning Advisor and learn ways to study effectively, make a learning plan, set and achieve your own goals related to language learning, and learn various skills to be an autonomous language learner. For ELLC 2, you can focus on English or any other languages you are learning.
クラスメートと共に学び、ラーニングアドバイザーのサポートを受けながら効果的な学習方法、学習プランの立て方、語学学習における目標設定と目標達成法など、自立学習者になるためのスキルを学びます。ELLC 2では、英語だけでなく、皆さんが学習している他の言語学習にも取り組むことができます。