Casual chat ~SALCスタッフとお話してみませんか?~
Are you ready for the new semester? Join this casual gathering and chat 🙂 新学期の準備はできましたか? SALCは皆さんの語学学習のサポートを行う…
Are you ready for the new semester? Join this casual gathering and chat 🙂 新学期の準備はできましたか? SALCは皆さんの語学学習のサポートを行う…
Let’s look back the year and the plan for spring break! 春休みを充実させたい学生必見! Peer advisorと一緒に今年度の振り返りと、春休みの計画…
What are your aims and goals for leaning foreign language? Hi, all! We are Peer Advisors.If you have any conce…
Join us and enjoy conversation with SALC learning advisors and other students! You can use any language to sup…
Practice speaking English with English learners in Brazil. Share your languages and culture with each other! A…