Culture event – January 2025
This year is the year of the snake! Why don’t you go to the jungle to meet them? 今年は巳年! 彼らに会いにジャングルへ行きませ…
This year is the year of the snake! Why don’t you go to the jungle to meet them? 今年は巳年! 彼らに会いにジャングルへ行きませ…
Feel the rhythm, dance to the music, and learn culture! 音楽を通して文化について学ぼう! Watch videos to get the idea, practic…
Let’s enjoy new year events! Poster activity “What is your first dream of the year?” Date: Monday, January 6th…
This is a good opportunity to talk with SALCers and Learning Advisors. SALC, studying abroad, learning languag…
Speaking of autumn, this is the movie! Let’s watch this heartwarming film together? 秋といえば、この映画!みんなで心温まる映画を観ません…