Summer Workshops
Different topics of workshops will be offered each day!
- Date:
- Monday, August 30 – Friday, September 10
- Time:
- 12:15-13:05
- Place:
- Zoom
Please register to get the ZOOM link!
Please check the schedule and descriptions below.↓
Date | Teacher | Workshop |
Summer Workshop 1
8/30(Mon) |
Michelle Lees |
Ideas for how to live a sustainable and more eco-friendly lifeHave you learned about the SDGs or heard of sustainable lifestyles and wondered how you can take steps toward being more eco-friendly? There’s so much more to being eco-friendly than recycling and using an eco-bag, and there’s so much more you can do! Let’s exchange and share ideas, and set some realistic goals for living a greener life! 持続可能でより環境に優しい生活を送るためのアイデアまた、どうすればよりエコフレンドリーな生活ができるか考えたことはありませんか? |
Summer Workshop 2
8/31(Tue) |
Ewen MacDonald |
An introduction to New Zealand and Kiwi slangNew Zealand is a fascinating and beautiful island nation located in the Pacific Ocean southeast of Australia. Its people are referred to as “Kiwis” – not the fruit, but instead the native bird. Come to this quiz-style workshop to improve your general knowledge of New Zealand and learn about some of New Zealand’s unique local words and expressions. ニュージーランドとキウイスラングそこの人々はキウイと呼ばれています。(果物でなく鳥の名前ですよ!) |
Summer Workshop 3
9/1(Wed) |
Heather Yoder |
The American HeartlandDo you like the United States? Are you interested in learning about American life? Of course, cities like NYC and LA are famous, but in this workshop, we will talk about rural life in the USA. アメリカ ハートランドアメリカの生活について興味がありますか?ニューヨークやロサンゼルスが有名ですが、このワークショップではアメリカの田園生活について話します。 |
Summer Workshop 4
9/2(Thu) |
Jianwen Chen |
My hometown, SingaporeDo you want to visit Singapore? I grew up in Singapore and in this workshop I would like to introduce you to my country’s unique food, cultures, colourful history and provide some travel tips for you when you visit Singapore. You will also learn a little Singapore English too! 私の故郷、シンガポールシンガポールを訪れたいと思ったことはありますか?このワークショップではシンガポールの個性的な料理や文化、色とりどりの歴史と旅行するときのポイントをお伝えします。シンガポール英語も少しだけ学べます! |
Summer Workshop 5
9/3(Fri) |
Nils Olov Fors |
Speaking with confidenceThis workshop is for students who plan to study abroad or simply want to become more confident and effective speakers. You will learn strategies and practical techniques for contributing to group discussions and academic seminars. 自信をもって話すより効果的に話したい、スピーキングの自信を持ちたい、将来的に留学を考えている方のためのワークショップです。グループディスカッションやアカデミックな場で役立つテクニックを学びます。 |
Summer Workshop 6
9/6(Mon) |
Michelle Lees |
An introduction to the LGBTQ+ communityWhat does LGBTQ+ mean? Why is Pride celebrated? Why should I care? LGBTQ+ コミュニティーLGBTQ+の意味を知っていますか?なぜPride(プライド)が注目され、私達は考える必要があるのでしょうか?ワークショップに参加してそれらについて学んでみませんか? |
Summer Workshop 7
9/7(Tue) |
Michelle Lees |
#GenderEqualityNOW‘Gender equality is essentially about power, and power in a world that is still largely male dominated. That power will not be given easily but must be taken.’ (Secretary-General António Guterres, 2021). This workshop is about educating and empowering, so that we may all contribute to positive change because gender equality is needed NOW. #ジェンダー平等の今”男性優位の文化が根付いた世界では、ジェンダー平等は、本質的に権力の問題だ。簡単には得られないが、手に入れなければならない。”’ (アントニオ・グテーレス事務総長、2021年). ジェンダーの平等が必要とされている今、私達がポジティブな変化を起こすことができるように力をくれるワークショップです。 |
Summer Workshop 8
9/8(Wed) |
Heather Yoder |
What does it have to do with the SDGs?How often do you buy new clothes? When do you throw clothes away? In this workshop, we will talk about how your fashion choices affect other people and the environment in. SDGsのためにすべきことは?みなさんは新しい洋服をどれくらいの頻度で買いますか? |
Summer Workshop 9
9/9(Thu) |
Jianwen Chen |
Beginner’s Photography WorkshopDo you want to take better photos when you travel? Do you want to learn how to use your camera to capture precious memories and beautiful moments? Then come to this workshop! CJ’s photography work has been featured on the Instagram accounts of Visit Japan UK and Germany. His work was also showcased by Tokyo Arts & Culture and also Tokyo Tokyo.In this workshop, you will be introduced to the different genres of photography, the basics of composition and how to manually control a camera. 初心者のためのフォトワークショップもっと写真を上手く撮りたいと思いませんか?思い出や映える瞬間を写真に収めたいと思っているなら、是非このワークショップに参加を!Visit Japan UK and Germany、東京都文化振興部 and also Tokyoで掲載歴のあるCJが様々なジャンルの写真と構図、基本操作をレクチャーします。 |
Summer Workshop 10
9/10(Fri) |
Nils Olov Fors |
Participating in the global academic communityHave you ever wondered what it’s like to be a university student in Vietnam, South Korea, or the Philippines? Join this workshop to learn more about the global academic community and talk about campus life with university students in other countries. グローバルな大学生コミュニティに参加するベトナム、韓国、フィリピンの大学生はどのように過ごしているか気になりませんか?このワークショップに参加して、グローバルな大学生コミュニティについて学びキャンパスライフについて話しませんか。 |