KUIS Welcome Concert Freshman & Sophomore – 2021

ELI teachers, SALC learning advisors and students who belong to music-related circles hold Welcome Concert for freshman and sophomore students. We are going to have this event instead of the Freshman party, which had been held face to face until 2019.
This event will be livestreamed on Youtube (limited release). Since this event will be held only once, there will be no on demand video after the event.

Please join this exciting event to listen to their songs!

ELI・SALC教員と音楽関連サークルの先輩が中心となり新入生と2年生の皆さんに向けてZoom上でウェルカムコンサートを開催します!本イベントはYoutube (限定公開)で同時配信する予定です。こちらのイベントは1回限りの開催で、後日の録画配信等はございません。一緒に盛り上がりたい人はZoomに、聞くことのみを楽しみたい人はYoutube配信でイベントに参加することをお勧めします。

June 18th (Fri)
Target students:
Freshmen and sophomores
The limited number of participants:
Zoom: up to 300 people (Zoom 300人まで)
Youtube livestreaming: no limit (Youtube同時配信:制限なし)

*Please enjoy Youtube livestreaming, in case the number of participants reaches the limit.
*The link information will be posted on the event day around 17:00 and it is reachable from ‘Zoom links here’ button.

※YoutubeのURLは本ページの(Zoom links here’ボタンよりアクセス可能です。イベント当日16:30過ぎにURL情報掲載予定です。

Click here to get the ZOOM link! (KUIS students only) 

ZOOM links here

*ZOOM links for faculty members